Connecticut Child Support Parental Roles

Connecticut Child support is established upon application to the court for a child support order. This application may be commenced by one of the parents or by the State of Connecticut if there is or has been state or municipal financial assistance provided to the family. The parents are required to complete financial affidavits. The State of Connecticut Child Support and Arrearage Guidelines provide the Court with information as to the recommended child support order. There may be a deviation from this support based upon a number of criteria. A Connecticut divorce attorney at Gryk & Frolich LLC can provide information as to the criteria reviewed by the court and assistance in court to establish a child support order, modify this order or seek enforcement of a court order for child support.

Read the entire page or click on the link below for the specific section you wish to read:

Also find: Child Support Guidelines

Child Support Payer: The Obligor

If you are the non-custodial parent of a minor child or children (meaning that your child or children do not live with you) and the Court has ordered you to pay child support, you may find yourself in contempt of court for non-payment or for a sporadic payment history. Perhaps you have lost your job or have suffered a work-related injury that has prevented you from making your payments. Whatever your circumstances, if you are behind on your child support payments, you may receive a summons to appear in Court for contempt of a child support order. You may face the risk of incarceration (going to jail) and you have the right to be represented by an attorney. If your financial circumstances warrant it, you may request to have an attorney appointed by the Court at no cost to you. If your financial circumstances exceed the criteria for a Court-appointed attorney, you have the right to request a continuance (another Court date in the future) in order to retain a private attorney. Please understand that if you are summoned to Court and fail to appear, the Court may issue a capias (civil arrest warrant) for you . If a capias is issued by the court, you will be picked up by a state Marshal and incarcerated until the next session of the appropriate Court occurs. If you need a private attorney, this office may be able to assist you. Contact a Connecticut lawyer at Gryk & Frolich LLC.


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Child Support Payee: The Obligee

If you are the custodial parent of a child or children (meaning that your children live with you) and you have a Court order awarding you child support which the obligor (the non-custodial parent) has not paid or does not consistently pay, you have the right to file a motion for contempt of court . You may be able to obtain the assistance of the State’s Child Support Enforcement Division in your local area. The Support Enforcement Division may be able to file a motion for contempt on your behalf, but be aware that the State cannot act as your attorney in any Court proceedings. You may be able to represent yourself but if your case is complicated, the assistance of an attorney may be needed.

If the State’s Child Support Enforcement Division is unable to assist you, you have the option of filing a motion for contempt either as a “pro se” party (meaning that you file the motion and represent yourself without an attorney) or you may retain the services of an attorney to file the motion for you and represent you in Court. If you need assistance in filing a motion for contempt or if you have already filed a motion (either as a pro se party or through the assistance of a Support Enforcement Officer), this office may be able to help you. Contact a Connecticut divorce lawyer at Gryk & Frolich LLC.

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Motion to Modify a Child Support Order

A child support order is determined by statutory guidelines, which are based on a specific calculation that include the obligor’s (payor’s) earning capacity (not actual wages). If you are the obligor (the payor) and your income has dropped by 15% or more, you may be able to modify your child support order downward. Contact your local Child Support Enforcement Division if you need help modifying support orders. If a motion to modify is warranted and you need the assistance of an Connecticut attorney, this office may be able to assist you. If you are the obligee (payee) of a child support order and your financial circumstances have changed — or if the payor’s income has increased by more than 15%, you may be able to request an upward modification of your current child support order. Contact your local Child Support Enforcement Division if you need help modifying support orders.

If a motion to modify is warranted and you need the assistance of an attorney, this office may be able to assist you. Contact a Connecticut lawyer at Gryk & Frolich LLC.

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Other Useful Resources for Child Support Information


Fact Sheets & Articles

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Custody & Visitation in Connecticut

Custody and visitation can be a simple matter or an extremely difficult one to resolve. If you currently have custody or visitation issues, you should consult a licensed attorney. Contact a Connecticut custody and visitation lawyer at Gryk & Frolich LLC in Manchester, Connecticut.

For more information, please explore the following resources:

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